Welcome to EquallySharedParenting.com, the cyber home for
fathers and mothers who have made (or wish to make) a conscious
decision to share equally in the raising of their children, household
chores, breadwinning, and time for recreation. This site is the
brainchild of Marc and Amy Vachon, authors of the new book Equally Shared Parenting: Rewriting the
Rules for a New Generation of Parents and
equal parents ourselves.
If you are new to this site your first stop may be to read What is
Equally Shared Parenting? on the main
menu. Then, peruse some of the essays in the How
Works section, or stay current on the world of equally shared
parenting by reading our Equality Blog.
about our book and what others are
saying about it on our ESP: The
Book page.
The number of web resources available for parents is overwhelming.
There are wonderful websites for fathering, working moms, stay-at-home
moms or dads, parents in general. There are rants and eloquent webzines
on the problems with motherhood in American society. There are hundreds
of parenting blogs. What doesn’t seem to exist, at least until now, is
a website devoted to true equal sharing from a couple who practices it.
In fact, if equally shared parenting is mentioned at all on most other
parenting websites, it is usually in the context of its impossibility -
as a utopian dream.
And so, we have created EquallySharedParenting.com and written our book
to fill this
important void. We will not pretend that maintaining a lifestyle where
both spouses are equal breadwinners and parents is without sacrifice,
but we will show you that it is completely possible and fun.
Please note that this website focuses on equal sharing between parents
in intact homes, rather than equal custody issues for divorced parents.
Many useful websites contain custody information, but
EquallySharedParenting.com is not among them.
Also note that throughout the writings on this site, we refer to
parents as husband/wife or spouses or him/her. This is not meant to
exclude unmarried parents, same-sex parents, or other nontraditional
families. We hope you will be able to translate our standard language
to fit your family type.
Join us on the wonderful, challenging, uncommon, and oh-so-rewarding
journey of truly equal parenting. We sincerely hope that the content of
this website can connect parents who practice equal sharing, inspire
those who wish to, and help us all be the best parents and people
Marc and Amy Vachon